Statutory Documents and Policies

All our statutory documents and policies can be found here. If you would like a paper copy, these can be issued (free of charge) from the school office. 

Behaviour and Conduct 

Behaviour Policy   


Anti-Bullying Policy


More information regarding Safeguarding, inlcuding what to do if you have concerns about a child, can be found on the Parents Tab

Safeguarding and Child Protection



 Online Safety    


Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism    


Whistleblowing Policy 


Visitor Code of Conduct

Charging and Remissions 

Charging and Remissions

Complaints Procedure 

Complaints Policy

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) 

SEND Policy and Information Report    


Accessibility Plan 

Equality Policy 

Equality Policy and Objectives

Health and Safety Policies 

Health and Safety Policy


Medical Needs     

Remote Learning

Remote Learning 




Freedom of Information Publication    


Privacy Notice

Other School Policies 


Marking and Feedback    


PSHE and RSE Policy




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