School Uniform

We have a recommended uniform designed to be practical and attractive:

navy logoed sweatshirt/cardigan 
navy or grey trousers or skirt 
jade polo shirt with school logo

navy or grey shorts

blue and white dress

For PE :
white t-shirt with school logo
navy shorts/tracksuit bottoms
pumps or trainers

Black trousers or shorts may be worn as an alternative if there is any difficulty in obtaining blue or grey. Unbranded sweatshirts and t-shirts are also permitted.

It would be helpful if all items of clothing, including footwear, could be clearly marked with your child’s name

The school uniform is available to buy direct from the supplier. Book bags, PE bags and PE kit consisting of white T-shirt printed with the school logo and navy shorts can also be purchased from the supplier. 

Supplier details: Vanguard Way, Battlefield Enterprise Park, Unit 5 Civic Park SY1 3TH

Decostitch is open Monday-Friday, 8.30am-4.30pm, including school holidays, and will accept payment by cash, cheque or card.

Orders can be made by phone 01743 462265, via email or in person at the unit where you can try on uniform and pay as you wish.

Please go to for ordering online and for price and stock information.

If you are in receipt of qualifying benefits and would like to apply for a grant towards uniform costs, please click on this link, download and complete the letter and return it to Shropshire Council.

Pre-loved Uniform

We have a range of pre-loved uniform which is in the reception foyer (if your child's size isn't there just ask as we have more sizes). All items of clothing are £1 each - all funds go directly to our Home School Association. 



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