The Governing Body is responsible for the administration of attendance records. If your child is away from school for any reason, you must inform us as soon as possible, preferably via a phone call. The school’s policy is to follow up unexplained absences the same day. We must, by law, keep a detailed record of absences for each child and if we do not know why a child has not attended school, this has to be recorded as ‘unauthorised absence’ and reported to the Education Welfare Service.
Current regulations state that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence in term-time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Any exceptional cases will need to be discussed with the headteacher and an application made in writing, using the form below. If leave is granted the headteacher will determine the number of days permitted. Annual holidays are not deemed exceptional circumstances.
Parents are encouraged to make medical or other appointments outside of the school day. If for any reason this is not possible, you should report to the school office to sign your child out and sign him or her back in, on your return.