Year 5/6
Teacher: Miss Coleman
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Holm & Ms Roper
PE days: Tuesday & Friday - please ensure your child comes to school dressed in school PE kit on these days.
This will be set every Friday and is due to be returned for feedback the following Wednesday. The homework is outlined on Seesaw and will consist of:
- Maths questions to consolidate the learning we have done together during the week. The children can either complete the questions on the templates on Seesaw or in their homework books and then upload a photo to Seesaw.
- An Additional Activity: this will support another area of the curriculum and, just like Maths, the children can either complete the questions on the templates on Seesaw or in their homework books.
An overview of the curriculum and learning for this term can be found here:
Key information for Oak Class
The children’s logins for any of the following links are in their homework books.
Ed Shed Spellings practice.
EPIC Reading Access to online books.
Useful websites for revision: